Can Babies Self Soothe?
Infant Sleep & Comfort Omkala Rios Escudero Infant Sleep & Comfort Omkala Rios Escudero

Can Babies Self Soothe?

Self-soothing or self-regulation has been a hot topic in the past few years debating whether babies can self-soothe. Let’s start by defining what Self-soothing is: its being able to go from feeling stressed and upset to a state of calmness. Like mentioned before, it’s a skill that you pick up over time with practice.

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Hospital Bag Essentials
Parenting Resources Omkala Rios Escudero Parenting Resources Omkala Rios Escudero

Hospital Bag Essentials

Packing your hospital bag is an exciting step in your pregnancy journey. It signifies that the big day is approaching, and you'll soon be meeting your little one! The main goal is to ensure you have everything you’ll need for your hospital stay, covering both the labour and birth stages as well as your post-birth recovery.

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Everything you need to know about introducing solids
Nutrition, Introducing Solids Omkala Rios Escudero Nutrition, Introducing Solids Omkala Rios Escudero

Everything you need to know about introducing solids

Knowing when to introduce solids is a significant milestone in your baby's development. Following World Health Organization guidelines since 2003, it's generally recommended to start solids around 6 months of age window. Starting before the age of 6 months may overwhelm babies who aren't developmentally or digestively prepared, while delaying too long may lead to food rejection or potentially increased allergy risks.

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